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Saturday, March 15, 2014

May 28th FosterKidsUnite annual Robert Cooper memorial Scholorship and workshop on adoption-foster trauma

Hi Blog family!

As I hear many foster and former foster stories I am livid that more is not being done to get our kids out of group homes and into homes!! My partner and I are doing a FREE workshop at the Mount Kisco Public Library May 28th 4-6pm "Intervention for maternal loss and developmental trauma in adoption and foster Care" - Robert Hafetz; American Adoption Congress State Rep & Adoption Education Family Counseling LLC will be our workshop leader and speaker!! He will also do a book signing for his new book - "Not Remembered Never Forgotten" - Refreshments will be served RSVP  tgirlcooper@yahoo,com - If you were ever adopted or wanting to adopt or work with foster and adopted- you don't want to miss this! ITs all about the healing and what you don't know - CAN hurt you or the kids you work with!!!

I am doing the work I was sent to do and I appreciate all the support and love from our community! God has much work for us to do together.  I don't have much but with God I can do anything! I will not let money or  people stop me from doing what I was called to do!
Teach your kids to help others, even when you don't have a lot, if you have a skill, use it!  

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