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Tuesday, August 12, 2014

On The Town with Tanya Cooper

hi blog family!

R.I.P to Robin Williams and prayers and love to his family!

Depression is serious, if you have a sadness that will not leave, that haunts you, that makes you hurt yourself or want to hurt others SEEK HELP from friends, family or doctor! Don't allow the pain to take you from us, we need you in the universe! Know that you are loved and we ALL matter xo

in case you did not know I have MANY hobbies, I am sharing the two most important - helping foster kids and former fosters who are adults and trying to advance education in some way. FosterKidsUnite, Inc is now a reality thanks to my brothers friends!! We hope to do more to help foster kids. You will be hearing more soon! Thank you for supporting the blog! My other love, since I was 12 I wanted to be queen of late night TV- have my own talk show!! yes, before I heard of Oprah I LOVED Carol Burnett, Sammy Davis, Jerry Lewis, Dean Martin, Gilda Ratner and the OLD SNL!!! I use to write scripts like I was on staff!! lol  I recently started stand up comedy AND I am doing On The Town until NBC, CBS or ABC call!!! lol

Remember to dream big, nothing is impossible, things may not go as planned at first, you may see no money at first, but if its your dream, it cant be wrong!!! Go big!! God would want it that way!! Don't forget to always go back and help others...and if you have nothing, that's ok too, give your heart and your time to help others. Gratitude and things in life are free!!! xo


Saturday, August 2, 2014

Reflections On Aging Out of Foster Care

we know this all to well, that is why FosterKidsUnite, Inc. mission: to provide non traditional services to foster and aged out youth and adults IN college or trade school! We have to get our education and go back and help others xo

your first week in a group home or foster care?

Teach your kids this...enjoy your day thank you for taking care of our kids! Team FosterKidsUnite!

Monday, July 14, 2014

fosterkidsonly: sharing i am

fosterkidsonly: sharing i am: hi blog family! hope your all well and summer is great~ I am passing this onto you from Joel and Victoria. wise words. I also heard the sa...

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Hi blog family!

please remember May 28th!!

Such a lovely day. Teach your children HOW to enjoy a day because they will never get that one back!! xo


Friday, March 28, 2014

Sade - Nothing Can Come Between Us

when I am down-I think of God singing this song to me as comfort. As long as I have faith- i'm good!

So comforting to know when everyone seems gone and I feel lost, I know I can count on God to pull me through!  Just sharing blog family- have a great day!

Pharrell Williams - Happy (1AM)

Friday, March 21, 2014

Life Curve ball

Hi blog family!

a lot is on my heart today as I was told I have to have surgery ASAP to see what two black spots/growths are! Yes, I was scared when my doctor said the "C" word - I will not speak it, as it has killed many of our friends family and colleagues! No matter how healthy you try to be by eating and exercising- the C can still pop up out of no where!

As many of you know I had been living in an apartment over 18 years and got sick from the deadly mold! But when I think about it, I am nothing special so I am subject to environmental illness like anyone else!
I look at my friend recently who survived a double mastectomy! My other who went through prostate cancer, and my birth cousin recently succumbing to Cancer.. Ok, I said the word! It is everywhere but I refuse to let it or the possibility of it make me scared to live the life GOD intended for me!

My Curve ball life poem - This is nothing..

I decided that this is nothing for someone whose mother gave me away because of neglect
This is nothing compared to the many times I sat with my siblings so hungry, my stomach still growls!
This is nothing worse than when I found out my two foster brothers were monsters and sexually abused me for years, and then it was covered up, as if I was a hot 9 year old!

This "C" ain't nothing compared to thinking that I had love in my life, (my baby brother that stayed with me all my foster life), and then he died of heart disease on me at 41 !!

This is minor compared to when I was attacked randomly outside of NYU dorms over 25 years ago, before the central park jogger), luckily they could not get my belt off and thanks to my boyfriend at the time lending me that military belt, it saved my life, I was beaten for dead, in a coma, lost two nerves and a tenant in my hand BUT again, this was nothing....

This isn't nothing ...when I look back on when I faced homelessness after this incident, (could not model anymore with a cast on hand that had to be held up for almost a year!) .. not once but twice because I refused to go back to a home that held my abusers-

this is nothing for me to fight, as I have the most wonderful two girls in the world, (lol besides yours for all the moms)
This is nothing to fight for me, a former victim who has a voice, choice and a lot of work to do for foster kids!
Pray for me, pray for each other. Fosters AND adoptees must stand together, as you never know what life will bring in the form of a curve ball BUT if you have support - you can get through anything! I know because I am still here after the storms of life has hit me, (like you ), with MANY curve balls! Know that you have purpose and ALWAYS, even at the last hour, keep FAITH - u cannot live without faith- u will only survive but our goal for 2014 is to LIVE to the fullest!
Save the date for March 28th FREE event! I will post flyer soon and if all goes well, I will be up and running before that!! xo


Saturday, March 15, 2014

May 28th FosterKidsUnite annual Robert Cooper memorial Scholorship and workshop on adoption-foster trauma

Hi Blog family!

As I hear many foster and former foster stories I am livid that more is not being done to get our kids out of group homes and into homes!! My partner and I are doing a FREE workshop at the Mount Kisco Public Library May 28th 4-6pm "Intervention for maternal loss and developmental trauma in adoption and foster Care" - Robert Hafetz; American Adoption Congress State Rep & Adoption Education Family Counseling LLC will be our workshop leader and speaker!! He will also do a book signing for his new book - "Not Remembered Never Forgotten" - Refreshments will be served RSVP  tgirlcooper@yahoo,com - If you were ever adopted or wanting to adopt or work with foster and adopted- you don't want to miss this! ITs all about the healing and what you don't know - CAN hurt you or the kids you work with!!!

I am doing the work I was sent to do and I appreciate all the support and love from our community! God has much work for us to do together.  I don't have much but with God I can do anything! I will not let money or  people stop me from doing what I was called to do!
Teach your kids to help others, even when you don't have a lot, if you have a skill, use it!  
