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Thursday, August 11, 2011

allowing kids to trust

Hi parents!!

I hope your kids are enjoying the end of the summer! Museums, biking, hiking, boating, art, whatever keeps them busy and introduces them to new people, places and things..
Wanted to touch on relationships today.
Remember if your kid came from a home where they were left..aka abandoned...please address this issue one on one and then IF you can with the family, letting them know that each of you will be around and that not everyone leaves for good.
If your kid is temporary, that is fine, you can still teach them to enjoy WHEREVER they are at and appreciate the time they have with whatever family they are with.
Let them know (if possible) they can keep in touch with IM, FB, SKype (secret account just for you with agency approval of course):) 
 I think it would be less difficult and stressful for teens, if there are ways to keep in touch, even after a kid is gone.
It helped me alot to know I had an option of calling or going home IF I needed a check in place, I still keep in touch with my friends since my 2nd foster home when I was 7!
My foster mother taught me to build lasting relationships because she knew, she would not always be here-and she was right!! Knowing how to have healthy relationships is vital for foster kids, even if they leave the town they may do like I did and go back, having built good relations-they can find jobs, give back to that many possiblities!!
 Teach your kids that not all people leave and it is the relationships they build now--no matter how many times they move--that matter!!
With all the new technology, fb, IM, skype, etc... there is no reason a kid cannot keep in touch with someone they really like in a healthy way... just monitor the situation and teach them how to keep relationships near or far!!

have a great Friday and you are blessed for doing the work you do, thank you for caring for our children!!xo Tanya

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