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Friday, February 4, 2011

Milgram's Obedience to Authority Experiment 2009 1/3

we are not clones

Hello foster parents!
Hope your child is developing and getting the love and attention they need and i hope they are bringing you and your family new lessons of love, patience and uniqueness..

Just a reminder to all parents: we were all made to love, be loved, heal, help, explore...each of us having our own unique pattern.
If god wanted us to all be the same or clones, we would have no brain..
Please allow your child his or her own space for making their own choices---even if we don't agree..they need to excersice this thought process of how to make a decision or a choice.
let them know they never have to follow the others-as most kids do and are trained to do...why do you think all our girls liked uggs at the same time??
 teach them young to enjoy being different and standing firm on whatever they believe, why is this important--so we dont repeat what was done to the native americans, slavery, or the holocaust...or the way the Irish were treated when they got here..
If your child is not comfortable saying "no" effectivly- they are likley to follow the crowd..and be hanging out with the bully--who beat up another child, as they watched.... this is all relevant.
you don't want your kid to "mind his business" when it comes to someone being hurt...teach them to stand up for themselves and others who are wronged...then , and only then we wont repeat history
xo Tanya
please feel free to post any questions, i am only trying to give you a heads up ...xo
